Difference between MAC Address and IP Address

Difference between MAC Address and IP Address

Both MAC Address and IP Address are used to uniquely defines a device on the internet. NIC Card’s Manufacturer provides the MAC Address, on the other hand Internet Service Provider provides IP Address.
The main difference between MAC and IP address is that, MAC Address is used to ensure the physical address of computer. It uniquely identifies the devices on a network. While IP address are used to uniquely identifies the connection of network with that device take part in a network.
Let’s see the difference between MAC Address and IP Address:
1.MAC Address stands for Media Access Control Address.IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address.
2.MAC Address is a six byte hexadecimal address.IP Address is either four byte or sixteen byte address.
3.A device attached with MAC Address can retrieve by ARP protocol.A device attached with IP Address can retrieve by RARP protocol.
4.NIC Card’s Manufacturer provides the MAC Address.Internet Service Provider provides IP Address.
5.MAC Address is used to ensure the physical address of computer.IP Address is the logical address of the computer.


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