
Showing posts from September, 2019

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Computer Glossary

Applet A small Java application that is downloaded by an ActiveX or Java-enabled web browser. Once it has been downloaded, the applet will run on the user's computer. Common applets include financial calculators and web drawing programs. Application Computer software that performs a task or set of tasks, such as word processing or drawing. Applications are also referred to as programs. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange, an encoding system for converting keyboard characters and instructions into the binary number code that the computer understands. Bandwidth The capacity of a networked connection. Bandwidth determines how much data can be sent along the networked wires. Bandwidth is particularly important for Internet connections, since greater bandwidth also means faster downloads. Binary code The most basic language a computer understands, it is composed of a series of 0s and 1s. The computer interprets the code to form numbers, letters,